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How to Add Writers and Editors to Medium Publication

Medium is a popular platform for writers and bloggers to share their work with a wide audience. If you have a Medium publication, you may want to consider adding writers and editors to help manage the workload and grow your publication’s reach. Adding writers and editors to your Medium publication is a simple process that can be done in just a few steps.

To get started, go to your publication homepage and click on your publication avatar in the top-right corner of the page. From there, click on “Homepage & settings” and then click on the “People” tab. You can then add a writer or editor by typing in their name or username and selecting them from the drop-down list. You can also remove writers and editors from your publication in the same way. By adding writers and editors to your Medium publication, you can collaborate with others and create a more diverse range of content for your readers.

Understanding Medium Publication

Medium is a platform where writers can publish their content and reach a large audience. A Medium publication is a collection of stories that are curated by a group of editors who share a common interest. Publications can be created by anyone, and they can cover a wide range of topics, from technology to fashion to politics.

When you create a Medium publication, you become the owner of that publication. As the owner, you have the ability to add writers and editors to your publication. Writers are people who can submit stories to your publication, while editors have the ability to review, edit, and publish stories.

Adding writers and editors to your publication is a great way to grow your audience and expand your reach. By adding writers, you can publish more content and cover a wider range of topics. By adding editors, you can ensure that the quality of the content published in your publication is high.

To add a writer or an editor to your Medium publication, you simply need to type in their name or username and select them from the drop-down list. You can also remove writers and editors from your publication in the same way. It’s important to note that editors have the same access as the publication owner, so you should only add people you trust to this role.

In the next section, we’ll go over the steps you need to take to create a Medium publication and add writers and editors to it.

Adding Writers to Medium Publication

Inviting Writers

To add a writer to your Medium publication, go to your publication homepage and click on your publication avatar in the top-right corner of the page. Then, select “Settings” from the dropdown menu. In the “Publication settings” page, scroll down to the “Writers” section and click on “Invite writers.” This will open a pop-up window where you can enter the email address or Medium username of the writer you want to invite.

Once you have entered the writer’s information, click on “Send invitation.” The writer will receive an email inviting them to join your publication. They will need to accept the invitation to become a writer for your publication.

Accepting Writers

When a writer accepts your invitation to join your Medium publication, they will appear in the “Writers” section of your publication settings. To accept a writer, simply click on the “Accept” button next to their name.

You can also remove writers from your publication by clicking on the “Remove” button next to their name. Keep in mind that removing a writer will also remove all of their stories from your publication.

Adding writers to your Medium publication can help you build a community of writers and grow your publication’s audience. Make sure to only invite writers whose work aligns with your publication’s mission and values.

Adding Editors to Medium Publication

Inviting Editors

To add an editor to your Medium publication, you must first be logged in to your account. Once you are logged in, go to your publication homepage and click on the publication icon next to your profile picture. From there, click on “Homepage and settings” and scroll down to the “People” section.

To invite an editor, type in their name or username and select them from the drop-down list. Make sure to select the “Editor” role for them. You can also add a message for the editor, introducing them to the publication and explaining their role. Once all the necessary information is entered, click “Invite” to send the invitation.

Accepting Editors

When someone is invited to be an editor of a Medium publication, they will receive an email notification with a link to accept the invitation. To accept the invitation, the editor must click on the link and log in to their Medium account. They will be taken to the publication’s settings page, where they can accept the invitation by clicking on the “Accept” button next to their name.

Once they have accepted the invitation, they will have access to the publication’s draft and published posts, and they can start editing and publishing stories. As the publication owner, you can remove editors at any time by going to the “People” section of the publication settings and clicking on the “Remove” button next to their name.

Adding editors to your Medium publication can help you manage your content and grow your audience. By following the steps above, you can easily invite and accept editors to your publication, giving them the ability to contribute to your publication and help it thrive.

Managing Writers and Editors

Role of Writers

Writers play a crucial role in any Medium publication. They are responsible for creating content that is engaging, informative, and relevant to the publication’s audience. As a publication owner, you can add writers to your publication by going to your publication homepage and clicking on your publication avatar in the top-right corner of the page. From there, select “Manage writers” and type in the name or username of the writer you want to add. Once you’ve added a writer, they will be able to submit drafts or posts to your publication for review.

It’s important to note that writers have limited permissions within a publication. They can only submit drafts or posts for review, and cannot edit or delete posts once they’ve been published. As a publication owner, you have the final say on what content is published in your publication.

Role of Editors

Editors play a critical role in ensuring that the content published in a Medium publication is high-quality and meets the publication’s standards. As a publication owner, you can add editors to your publication by going to your publication homepage and clicking on your publication avatar in the top-right corner of the page. From there, select “Manage editors” and type in the name or username of the editor you want to add.

Editors have more permissions than writers within a publication. They can review and edit drafts or posts submitted by writers, and can also delete posts if necessary. However, editors still cannot publish posts without the approval of the publication owner.

It’s important to choose editors who have experience in editing and are knowledgeable about the topic your publication covers. They should be able to provide constructive feedback to writers and help them improve their writing skills.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

When adding writers and editors to your Medium publication, you may encounter some common issues. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you resolve these issues quickly:

  • Problem: Can’t find the writer or editor’s Medium username.
    • Solution: Ask the writer or editor for their Medium username. If they haven’t created a Medium account yet, ask them to create one and provide you with their username.
  • Problem: Can’t add the writer or editor to the publication.
    • Solution: Check if the writer or editor has already been added to the publication. If they haven’t, make sure you’re using the correct Medium username and that the writer or editor has accepted your invitation to join the publication.
  • Problem: Writer or editor can’t publish or edit articles in the publication.
    • Solution: Check if the writer or editor has been assigned the correct role in the publication. If they have, make sure they’re signed in to the correct Medium account and that they’re using the correct publication to publish or edit articles.
  • Problem: Writer or editor’s articles aren’t appearing in the publication.
    • Solution: Check if the writer or editor has published their articles to the correct publication. If they have, make sure the publication’s settings allow for articles to be published without review. If the publication requires review, make sure the editor has reviewed and approved the article.
  • Problem: Writer or editor’s articles are being rejected by the publication.
    • Solution: Check if the article violates any of the publication’s guidelines or policies. If it does, provide feedback to the writer or editor on how they can improve their article to meet the publication’s guidelines. If the article doesn’t violate any guidelines or policies, make sure the editor is reviewing the article objectively and not rejecting it for personal reasons.

By following these troubleshooting tips, you can quickly resolve common issues when adding writers and editors to your Medium publication.


In conclusion, adding writers and editors to your Medium publication is a simple and straightforward process. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily invite new contributors to your publication and manage their permissions.

Remember to consider carefully who you want to add as a writer or editor, as they will have access to your publication and be able to make changes to your content. It’s also important to communicate clearly with your team and establish guidelines for how your publication should be managed.

By collaborating with other writers and editors, you can expand the reach of your publication and create a more diverse and engaging platform for your readers. So don’t hesitate to invite new contributors and start building your team today!